Friday, September 11, 2009

Back to School!

It's about that time again, lovelies! Time for Miss Manic to pack up her dreads and dresses and head back to college for what is hopefully my last year of school. And trust me, it's taken her QUITE long enough. Four years is far more than is necessary to complete an Associate of Arts degree....

Miss Manic's ADD and scholastic ineptitude aside, this is not the intended post topic. I am here today to talk about roommates and roommate ettiquite.

I am lucky enough to have found myself living in a beautiful old house just outside the center of town with a friend and some friends of hers. Most of whom are agreeable and quiet. Some of whom are.... of the rowdy country persuasion. Do not get me wrong, readers, I am not averse to country folks who like to party. These people are respectful, kind, maybe even a little shy. For that, I am sure we will get along just fine.

But what if you are not lucky enough to have chosen your roommates? If you have been randomly alotted a roommate, or are moving into a house where you don't know everyone, Miss Manic has a few tips for you to get the most out of your housing situation this school year.

First of all,
Introduce yourself to everyone in your house, not just your next door neighbors. If there's a party going on in the common room, don't hide in your room like a mopey little sadsack! Go enjoy a beer (if you're legal) for heaven's sake, even if you're just gingerly sipping a Natty (or a Coke) and talking small with your new housemates. You and I both know that dark and spookies are frequently misunderstood, but you'll be surprised how quickly you get to know these people over a simple weekly drink. I guarantee you won't regret it.

If you are living in a dorm room with a stranger (or strangers), connect with them via Facebook, MySpace, or over the phone before leaving. Try and find out who will supply your dorm with what (T.V., mini fridge, toaster, et cetera) and get to know a little bit about them. If you're nervous about revealing your dark and spooky ways to your new roomy, don't feel obligated to tell them outright, but don't feel inclined to lie or exaggerate when your interests come up in conversation either. Just be as honest as possible. Chances are that your roommate is just as nervous about you as you are about them.

If you're moving into an apartment, house, or dorm with friends, there are still respect issues to consider, and new things to learn about them. If your friends are un-spooky, respect their space and try your best not to invade it with your spooky stuff. If they ARE spooky and so are you, only borrow their clothes/makeup/lovely little accessories with their permission. Try not to hog up the bathroom, especially if all you're doing is using the mirror. If you're not getting along that day, don't vindictively blast Skinny Puppy when you know they hate it. Constant communication with the people you live with, especially if you're friends, and especially if you're paying bills together, is absolutely necessary. It'd be a shame if your friendship was damaged during the most fabulous time of your life because of some silly disagreement.

If being a nice little spooky isn't working for you, please do speak up. Nobody respects a doormat. But heaven's sakes, be nice about it, as well. If you and your housemates get into an argument, have a reasonable discussion about it. If one or both parties gets angry, separate and revisit the conversation later. At NO POINT should an argument escalate to violence! Just act civilly and treat your roommate as an equal, even if you feel the upset has been caused by them.

In Closing,
As important as I feel manners are for regular society, I feel they are ten times as important for the spooky communities, as there are already so many stereotypes and assumptions making points against us. Like my dear role model The Lady of the Manners would say, being polite is much more subversive than being mopey and rude. And who doesn't like stirring things up and freaking people out? We can still be spooky- without our roommates being afraid of us.