Friday, October 8, 2010

Halloween Pre-Party


I am so sorry for having abandoned you! I hope we can still be friends. I have so much to tell you.

The reasons for my three months to the day absence from this blog are many, but I will spare you the more boring details. The more exciting ones, however....

I am thrilled to tell you all that I have moved again! No, I am no longer living in southern Ohio, thank goodness. Though I am still going to school, I have opted to take the remainder of my classes online to avoid.... well, to avoid southern Ohio. I declare myself forevermore a city dweller.

Anyway, getting back to the good news, I have moved! And I am gainfully employed! I am quite excited about my new living situation, even if it did not turn out as I had originally hoped. My intentions were to move in with my Beau, but extenuating circumstances prevented that, and I have instead found myself an apartment with my very old friend, Ben. Originally, I was very concerned about moving in with Ben, as we are quite the odd couple. He is very organized, I have yet to unpack my boxes. He wakes up just as I am about to go to bed. I love me some veggies, he believes that lettuce is an invention of the devil. You get the picture. Somehow, a month in, we have survived with minimal bickering. Which is fantastic.

I have also gotten a job at (are you ready) the Halloween store (oh, shock!) up the street, which is proving to be a lot more fun than I had anticipated. On top of that job, just this past afternoon, I also became hired at the craft store, which I am certain will quickly become a device to further excuse my crippling addiction to fabric. We all need our vices, true?

As far as news on the Gothic front, it's almost Halloween! I am attempting to decorate the apartment with loads of spooky stuff, and agonizing over whether or not throwing a Halloween party in our new place is a good idea. I vote no and roommate votes yes, but we both have quite different ideas of what a party is. We'll see what happens. Also, since my roommate and I are both HUGE Halloween fanatics, we are planning a state-wide tour of some famous and not-so-famous haunts. Our first attempt fell flat on it's face, but we plan to continue our hunt for the best haunt in Ohio tomorrow night with Columbus's very own Scare-a-Torium at the corner of 161 and Karl Road. I have not heard much about it, but I do hope that it lives up to all the hype they've been putting out.

Our ratings scale will go as follows, with a score from 1 to 5, with 5 being the best:

~Price (parking/admission)
~Wait time
~Ambiance (outside/inside haunt)
~Special effects, Props
~Quality of characters

On our list to be reviewed are The Scare-a-Torium, the Haunted Hoochie at Dead Acres, TerrorFest, Ohio State Reformatory, and the Haunted Cave at Lewisburg (Also, POSSIBLY the Dent School House and Ghostly Manor). Each has either won awards for spookiness, or label themselves as "Ohio's _____ Haunt". I am extremely excited to share the results with you all, not only for your reference, but for my own enjoyment as well! I look quite forward to it, Spookies.

Miss Manic!