Monday, October 5, 2009

Settling In

Well, Dear Readers (I certainly hope I have at least one by now! ^_^;), I'm beginning to settle into my countryside dwelling with some people who have turned out to be very agreeable and lovely. We are quite a diverse and stubborn set of five, but we are learning quite a lot from one another already, which I hope will continue. I'm thinking of it as an experiment in cultural diversity at the moment. Can the Big City Girl relax in her new surroundings and acquire a taste for well water?

In words we shared over dinner last night, we will definitely have some acclimating to do with each other. The men of the house are all outdoorsmen. They plan on being rangers and wildlife management people when they're done with school here. The ladies of the house are both city people, born and raised. Well, I suppose we have some horse sense, but that's about the extent.

They have a hard time understanding the idea of why somebody would want to be a vegetarian, and I have a hard time understanding why they enjoy sitting in the hot sun dressed in canvas suits waiting to shoot something. I also hate country music (sorry to all you country fans out there, but corporate country just seems to me like it has an undertones of intolerance and exploitation; feel free to debate me on that one) and they can't stand my pissed-off-crazy-person industrial music. Go figure. But as much as I don't understand their ways, they are just as confused about my lifestyle, and I accept that, even if I don't like it.

So, children, the lesson of this particular episode is ACCEPTANCE. You're weird. Remember that. When you are caught in a situation where you are a fish out of water, other people will have a hard time understanding you and your ways. That does NOT, however, mean that you need to change. Fully embrace your oddness. Your self-confidence will radiate beautifully, and if you accept others for their uniqueness, even if they're very different from you, they will give you the respect that you deserve.* And by all means, seek out others like yourself. They may seem non-existant on the surface, but dearies, if you become just social enough (I'm not saying you should go and rush a fraternity by any means, just leave the house every once in a while), you'll find the dark and spooky hiding amongst you.

Miss Manic

*Disclaimer: Acceptance by others is directly related to your kindness towards them. Play nice. Also, if the above information proves false for you, feel free to tell the other party to kindly fuck off.