Hello, Spookies.
I wish I had the post I intended to give you all today. Unfortunately, paying rent outweighs sampling the local haunts, and I was not able to gather nearly as much information as I had originally planned.
However, I did have the opportunity to visit Cedar Point's Halloweekends with a small group of Toy Soldiers. It was a great time, and I really enjoyed visiting with my Toy Soldier friends. Hopefully I'll get to see my friends in the #6800 and #614 divisions again very soon.
Miss Manic
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Post-Halloween Blahs
Posted by Miss Manic at 1:25 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 8, 2010
Halloween Pre-Party
I am so sorry for having abandoned you! I hope we can still be friends. I have so much to tell you.
The reasons for my three months to the day absence from this blog are many, but I will spare you the more boring details. The more exciting ones, however....
I am thrilled to tell you all that I have moved again! No, I am no longer living in southern Ohio, thank goodness. Though I am still going to school, I have opted to take the remainder of my classes online to avoid.... well, to avoid southern Ohio. I declare myself forevermore a city dweller.
Anyway, getting back to the good news, I have moved! And I am gainfully employed! I am quite excited about my new living situation, even if it did not turn out as I had originally hoped. My intentions were to move in with my Beau, but extenuating circumstances prevented that, and I have instead found myself an apartment with my very old friend, Ben. Originally, I was very concerned about moving in with Ben, as we are quite the odd couple. He is very organized, I have yet to unpack my boxes. He wakes up just as I am about to go to bed. I love me some veggies, he believes that lettuce is an invention of the devil. You get the picture. Somehow, a month in, we have survived with minimal bickering. Which is fantastic.
I have also gotten a job at (are you ready) the Halloween store (oh, shock!) up the street, which is proving to be a lot more fun than I had anticipated. On top of that job, just this past afternoon, I also became hired at the craft store, which I am certain will quickly become a device to further excuse my crippling addiction to fabric. We all need our vices, true?
As far as news on the Gothic front, it's almost Halloween! I am attempting to decorate the apartment with loads of spooky stuff, and agonizing over whether or not throwing a Halloween party in our new place is a good idea. I vote no and roommate votes yes, but we both have quite different ideas of what a party is. We'll see what happens. Also, since my roommate and I are both HUGE Halloween fanatics, we are planning a state-wide tour of some famous and not-so-famous haunts. Our first attempt fell flat on it's face, but we plan to continue our hunt for the best haunt in Ohio tomorrow night with Columbus's very own Scare-a-Torium at the corner of 161 and Karl Road. I have not heard much about it, but I do hope that it lives up to all the hype they've been putting out.
Our ratings scale will go as follows, with a score from 1 to 5, with 5 being the best:
~Price (parking/admission)
~Wait time
~Ambiance (outside/inside haunt)
~Special effects, Props
~Quality of characters
On our list to be reviewed are The Scare-a-Torium, the Haunted Hoochie at Dead Acres, TerrorFest, Ohio State Reformatory, and the Haunted Cave at Lewisburg (Also, POSSIBLY the Dent School House and Ghostly Manor). Each has either won awards for spookiness, or label themselves as "Ohio's _____ Haunt". I am extremely excited to share the results with you all, not only for your reference, but for my own enjoyment as well! I look quite forward to it, Spookies.
Miss Manic!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Gothic for Life: a reflection
Dear Spookies,
So maybe this should have been my introduction post, but there's something to be said for inspiration, isn't there? I've recently been re-watching episodes of the 2004 Sci Fi channel reality show "Mad Mad House" which first ran on television when I was 16 or so.
I could not miss an episode of this show, I adored it. I fell in love with the "Alts", the alternative people who hosted the show, and I wanted to be more like them. Especially Don, the Vampire and Fiona, the Witch. I hated the house guests. Not only because they were out to fool these Alts, but because they felt like they didn't have to be open minded. Somehow I felt offended on a personal level when the house guests refused to participate in demonstrations by the Alts, because I would have been so happy to be there and learn from all of them.
Cheesy as it might sound, I think that show was a final realization that I was going to be Gothic forever. I had never seen an adult Gothic person before, and that sort of made me fall in love with Don the Vampire. He was everything a Gothic man should be in my eyes. He was well dressed, pale, handsome, slept in a coffin.... of course my vision has broadened a bit after I realized how impractical being that pale is unless you actually are nocturnal.
In re-watching the series, there was a particular segment where two of the Alts (Don and Art, probably the two most extreme looking) and a few of the house guests went to the grocery store to pick up some things. People laughed, pointed and one woman even confronted Art about how he looked like a demon. One of the house guests spoke up to the woman who said this saying "if you knew this man, you'd know that he has a bigger heart than any one of us". Which really spoke to me as to how accepting alternative people in general are. Truly, we don't have the easiest lives by choosing to look the way we do. Perhaps we truly are big-hearted, or maybe we're just gluttons for punishment. Either way, we alternative folks don't generally shut out the badness of the world just because of a few mean people, and we generally don't treat eachother badly either. We're just generally kind, and I think that's pretty cool.
Rambling aside, that show made me realize that my "dressing Goth" wasn't necessarily a childhood phase, but more importantly, that it didn't HAVE to be. My parents might have worried about my baggy black pants and corsets and lectured me that one day I'd have to "grow up" in order to be an effective member of society, but now that I'm an adult (and my clothing tastes are a bit more refined/age appropriate), they.... still don't LOVE it. But they understand that it's a style of dress that makes me comfortable and feel most like myself, just like they would feel at home in sweatpants and a t-shirt.
Maybe 22 is a bit early to be making judgements about the rest of my life, but I feel pretty confident that I would be very bored in the mainstream. I can see myself as a cranky eldergoth one day, still handing out sanctimonious advice from my high horse about "back in the day", and I don't know if I would have come to this realization had it not been for that silly little reality show.
Miss Manic
Posted by Miss Manic at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: acceptance, goth, kindness, my high horse, vampires
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Delayed Reviews
Hello there, Spookies!
I've been dragging my feet on this update for a month, and I feel absolutely awful about it. Truthfully, my Spookies, my mind has not been clear enough lately to post. Life has been quite difficult for me lately, and I've had to momentarily put some things on the shelf while figuring some things out. Having said that, things are looking up, and I am making some positive steps towards the future. Pray for the best, my friends.
Now! I promised you all some reviews. The first thing I'd like to tell you all about is my visit to the brand new Outland location, and the Voltaire concert I saw there. All I have to say about Outland is that it is FANTASTIC. It's decorated with elements of style ranging from 1980's glamour to Victorian Gothic. Somehow all aesthetics come together in a delightfully eclectic and fashionable mish-mash. It is spacious without feeling empty, and provides plenty of secluded corners for couples to sneak off and have a snuggle between songs.
As for the Voltaire show.... it was an event, Spookies. Many people know Voltaire as a friendly and quick-witted individual who enjoys sharing conversations with his fans. That evening was no exception, and I had the opportunity to enjoy the presence of Voltaire's company among some new friends.
Immediately upon joining this conversation, I was the target of his jokes for a while. To my disappointment, Voltaire is not a fan of Dr. Steel's music. This makes me very sad, and for whatever reason, it's a bit difficult to attach words to. I feel like these two musicians, who I respect greatly and who share quite a bit of common ground, should be friends. Perhaps one day. Toy Soldiers, I'm setting you on it!
This particular concert was an extremely intimate showcase of some of Voltaire's lesser-known work. The majority of the songs he played were either never recorded for albums or were on small-release albums such as "Banned on Vulcan". He also sang a few songs that are slated to be released on his country record, due out later this year. It was much more toned down and slightly more intimate than the "To the Bottom of the Sea" show he played at Circus over Halloween. Definitely a fabulous show. As always, Voltaire delivered an amazing one-of-a-kind show. I cannot wait for him to come back to town. I'll be the one in the Toy Soldier uniform. ^_~
Speaking of my dear Dr. Steel, he has recently released his VERY FIRST official music video for his song "Childhood Don't A Go-Go". It was directed by Tony Leonardi III and has been in the works for the past several YEARS! In fact, if you look closely, you can see a clip from the finished product in "Building a Utopian Playland", which was released several years before hand.
The video itself blends live-action, computer-generated graphics, stop motion, and of course, an army of very strange little toys. It's a fantastically entertaining little video, and generated a lot of pride amongst the Army of Toy Soldiers. It is available EXCLUSIVELY on the front page of WWW.ToySoldiersUnite.COM
Finally, also speaking of Dr. Steel, I must share that just this past weekend I participated in a large-scale invasion of Columbus Ohio's MARCON (Multiple Alternate Realities Convention). With 1800 in attendance, our small squad of soldiers were able to send an estimated 1300 of those people home with propaganda. As if this success wasn't enough, our booth also won "Best in Show", outranking the legendary 501st Legion of Stormtroopers(Check out the photo of Div. #614 in front of our award-winning booth on the sidebar!). Our group's accomplishments make me proud to be a Toy Soldier, and I will do my best to continue striving for excellence for the benefit of Dr. Steel.
I hope to be more regular about my posts in the future. That should be a much easier accomplishment once I'm home for the summer. Good luck at your finals, Spookies! Goodness knows I'll need luck for mine. ^_^
Miss Manic
Posted by Miss Manic at 1:06 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
R.I.P. Pete Steele
Dear Spookies,
As many of you already know, Pete Steele, frontman and bassist of the Gothic music group Type O Negative, died this past Wednesday. According to the group's website, the suspected cause of death is heart failure. It hasn't yet been released where he died, or what caused his heart to fail.
His drippingly Gothic demeanor and his irreverent sense of humor charmed us all. His struggle with depression and his recovery from drug addiction inspired us all. We danced to his music. We swooned over him. We wished we could be that cool.
My condolences go to his band, his family and his loved ones. I, and many others, will miss him very much.
Miss Manic
Posted by Miss Manic at 8:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
On Labeling: Should You be Offended?
Happy St. Patricks Day, Spookies!
I've unfortunately been forced to put the super-special post I promised you on the backburner because of extenuating circumstances (i.e., finals....wish me luck. I will need it). Nevertheless! I have vowed to bring you more postings, and so I shall. This (still very special) topic will overview the idea of labels, being referred to as a "goth", "punk", or what have you, and wether or not the whole idea of labels are offensive.
First of all, a disclaimer. This post is mainly based on my own experience, and the experiences of my friends. It may come off as a bit preachy, too, to those of us who have been in the scene for a while. If you disagree with anything I've said here, please feel free to share your own experience by commenting on this blog post.
I personally see nothing wrong with labels. Certainly the idea of a stranger judging you on your outward apperances and then condensing that down to a single dubious descriptor does not sound pleasant. But then again, it is very useful. After all, if it's got feathers like a duck, and it swims and quacks like a duck....
With that out of the way, there are a lot of words in American culture that are acceptable, or even complimentary when people of the same social group say them to eachother, but they become offensive when people outside that social group say them. Let's take a moment to identify a few of these words.
I argue that "Goth", "Punk", "Skate Rat" and the like fall into the same category. When an outside person calls a goth such, the immediate reaction is to get defensive. After all, what does that person know? I could have just chosen to wear black today. The tables become shifted, though, when two goths discuss the subject, or call one another goth. In this case it becomes complimentary, an understanding between two people who share a culture.
And in running with the common theme of politeness, if someone from outside your particular sphere of hanging-out politely approaches you with genuine interest (especially if they have genuine interest!), it'd be a nice gesture to answer their questions. After all, who wants to perpetuate the stereotype that alternative lifestyle people are an impenetrable clique of snobs?
I hope you've all enjoyed what I've had to say. As always, if you agree, disagree, or want to post your own opinion, please feel free to do so, and keep suggesting topics for future posts!
Miss Manic
Posted by Miss Manic at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: goth, gothic, labels, my high horse, punk, subversion
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Birhtday Madness
I am so terribly sorry for the delay in posting. This quarter of school has been particularly hard for me, since there have been no theatre classes to distract me from the "real" classes I have to take....(excuses, excuses) Please believe, though, My Dear Spookies, that I have not forgotten about you. On the contrary, I have given quite a lot of (over)thought on the direction of my next posting.
I have just celebrated my 22nd birthday (among other things), which was the 21st of this month. Happy 22nd birthday to me! I'm feeling quite old now, since I have no more taboo-breaking birthdays left to celebrate. That being said, I had fun anyway. I went to the local hookah bar, went thrift shopping, and got to spend a lot of time with my Beau. Altogether very nice.
At one point I did have plans to visit Wicked Faire V for my birthday (http://www.wickedfaire.com/)in hopes of seeing Voltaire in concert one more time before he goes back into the studio to record his Goth-Country album (and possibly drinking deep into the night with him, his gorgeous new Wifey possibly, Ego Likeness.... *sigh*), but finances kept me from getting there. Next year maybe.
I'd also like to announce that I'm *finally* opening an Etsy shop. I've actually had it for about 2 years, but I've never gotten the motivation to do anything with it. Now that I've amassed too many paintings, knitted things, and stuffed creatures to ignore any longer, I feel like I should share them with the world. Hopefully the world wants them!
A bit about my artwork: I am a self-taught painter of about 5 years. I create gothic-flavored folk art and prefer non-canvas surfaces like wood and stone. My inspiration comes from nature, dreams, books, my materials, life experience and music. I hope you enjoy my work!
That concludes this posting, Spookies! Look forward to next post where I'll have a very special mystery guest writer debating with me the importance of The Smiths versus The Cure in gothic culture! Stay tuned kiddies!
Miss Manic
Posted by Miss Manic at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, beau, birthday, etsy, guest writer, hookah, music, voltaire, wicked faire