Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Birhtday Madness


I am so terribly sorry for the delay in posting. This quarter of school has been particularly hard for me, since there have been no theatre classes to distract me from the "real" classes I have to take....(excuses, excuses) Please believe, though, My Dear Spookies, that I have not forgotten about you. On the contrary, I have given quite a lot of (over)thought on the direction of my next posting.

I have just celebrated my 22nd birthday (among other things), which was the 21st of this month. Happy 22nd birthday to me! I'm feeling quite old now, since I have no more taboo-breaking birthdays left to celebrate. That being said, I had fun anyway. I went to the local hookah bar, went thrift shopping, and got to spend a lot of time with my Beau. Altogether very nice.

At one point I did have plans to visit Wicked Faire V for my birthday ( hopes of seeing Voltaire in concert one more time before he goes back into the studio to record his Goth-Country album (and possibly drinking deep into the night with him, his gorgeous new Wifey possibly, Ego Likeness.... *sigh*), but finances kept me from getting there. Next year maybe.

I'd also like to announce that I'm *finally* opening an Etsy shop. I've actually had it for about 2 years, but I've never gotten the motivation to do anything with it. Now that I've amassed too many paintings, knitted things, and stuffed creatures to ignore any longer, I feel like I should share them with the world. Hopefully the world wants them!

A bit about my artwork: I am a self-taught painter of about 5 years. I create gothic-flavored folk art and prefer non-canvas surfaces like wood and stone. My inspiration comes from nature, dreams, books, my materials, life experience and music. I hope you enjoy my work!

That concludes this posting, Spookies! Look forward to next post where I'll have a very special mystery guest writer debating with me the importance of The Smiths versus The Cure in gothic culture! Stay tuned kiddies!

Miss Manic